Multifactor (MFA) or Second Factor 2FA) Authentication

Multifactor Authentication (MFA) or Second Factor Authentication (2FA) means using methods to securing your online accounts (“Authentication”) in addition to a password. (If your password is hacked or compromised your account remains secure as it cannot be accessed without the ‘Second Factor’ or ‘Multi Factor’ to Authenticate the password).

Authentication Factors can include:

Something You Know: passwords, PINs, combinations or codes that can be remembered and typed or otherwise recalled when needed.

Something You Are: physical aspects of you such as your voice or face, iris, retina or fingerprint scans.

Something You Have: physical objects, (eg Yubi keys, tokens or smart phones authenticator apps).

A combination of a strong, unique password (created and stored using a Password Manager) and MFA/2FA is the best way to protect your important online accounts (like email, social media and banking).

We recommend a combination of Yubikey and Lastpass Authenticator and Lastpass Password Manager and never reuse passwords across accounts.

Lastpass Authenticator App (free)

Buy Yubikey from Amazon