Online safety / Cyber security / privacy @ school

Schools have a duty of care to effectively teach and manage online safety, cyber security and privacy for students and staff and families and here in NZ are now teaching the digital curriculum so the next generation will become effective digital creators not just consumers.

We are solution agnostic and pragmatic when it comes to technology solutions (eg filtering and mobile device management) and offer parents evenings (online safety / cyber security / privacy) and suggestions for in class workshops.

We recommend all NZ schools will become Netsafe Schools.

We highly recommend Pixevety for consent driven photograph management in your school.

Utilise fantastic resources from around the world in your school as well as local and international technology solutions for school and at home to provide a safer internet for everyone.

Contact us to find out how we can help with the issues your school, staff, students and their families are grappling with.

For urgent help contact Netsafe.


Teaching and schools Resources

Cyber Smart Week 2021

CERT NZ are focusing on Passwords, 2FA/MFA (Multi or Second Factor Authentication), Privacy and Keeping Apps and Devices up to date for Cyber Smart Week 2021, but these are things we should think about every week. Don’t forget to report any Cyber Security issues or breaches to CERT NZ.

Your school can also become a Netsafe School at any stage of your Cyber journey. Here are some of our recommended resources for schools.

Passwords & 2FA/MFA

Passwords are hard work for humans (and often easy for computers to guess). A strong password is four random words (no special characters/numbers are required) and passwords should be unique for each site. You’ll need a password manager to be able to keep track of all those unique passwords. When you add a second factor (2FA) of authentication (something more than a password) you make your log in details much stronger and safer. This additional thing could be a your fingerprint, Face ID, a one time code or many other things.

Find out if your email address has been compromised in a data breach at Have I been P*wned? (Select the Notify option in top menu for free future notifications.)

Learn more about Password Managers and choose the right one for you

Top 500 Passwords Infographic

How to create a strong password (CERT NZ)

All about 2FA (CERT NZ)

4 random words are a strong password ( cartoon)

Jimmy Kimmel 2015 passwords on the streets of NY

Jimmy Kimmel 2018 passwords on the streets of NY

Keeping Devices Secure & Private

Keeping devices up to date and apps and setting private and secure is something we all need to do. Accept or set up auto-updates on your devices as these updates often include security fixes and can update your devices while you sleep. has lots of information for privacy and security settings for many platforms. Think about what you share and you you share it with. Defaults are open so restrict who you share with and what you share. You can also search privacy and security within the settings for a device or app and choose the right level of security for you.